Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat vor der Abstimmung des Bundestages eindringlich für weitere Stabilitätshilfen an Griechenland geworben. „Wir würden grob fahrlässig, ja unverantwortlich handeln, wenn wir diesen Weg nicht wenigstens versuchen würden“, sagte Merkel in der Sondersitzung des Parlaments. „Europa braucht die Fähigkeit zum Kompromiss wie der Mensch die Luft zum Atmen.“ Europa sei eine Verantwortungsgemeinschaft, die Hilfe für Griechenland „eine nie gekannte europäische Solidarität“
Friday, 17 July 2015
Бойко Борисов: България няма да загуби, участвайки в спасителния план за...
Бойко Борисов: Беше предложен механизъм, по който да се спусне 7-милярден спасителен план и нашата позиция беше против. Оставайки само ние против, поставихме редица изисквания. Европейската комисия извърши необходимите процедури, за да даде абсолютни гаранции на България, че участвайки в този план, няма шанс да загуби, плати и извади от своя бюджет пари за спасяването на Гърция. От нас се иска да дадем единствено съгласие да бъде използван този механизъм.
Ukraine: The Unseen Attacks - full documentary
Публикуван на 17.07.2015 г.
Fighting in the east has come to characterize Ukraine. But Ukraine’s struggle for survival and self-determination, free of corrupt governments and Russian influence is fought on many other fronts. From cyber defence to internal defence, fixing its forces to telling the truth – Ukraine faces challenges that may determine its very survival.
In this documentary, NATO experts, Ukrainian politicians and journalists talk about the distinct challenges of terrorism, cyber defence, reforming the armed forces and fighting the information war.
Fighting in the east has come to characterize Ukraine. But Ukraine’s struggle for survival and self-determination, free of corrupt governments and Russian influence is fought on many other fronts. From cyber defence to internal defence, fixing its forces to telling the truth – Ukraine faces challenges that may determine its very survival.
In this documentary, NATO experts, Ukrainian politicians and journalists talk about the distinct challenges of terrorism, cyber defence, reforming the armed forces and fighting the information war.
Drones: new horizons for commerce and creativity
Публикуван на 17.07.2015 г.
Civilian drones present many opportunities, but how to stop them crashing into aircraft or people? And how to protect people’s privacy? Jacqueline Foster talks us through her ideas.
Civilian drones present many opportunities, but how to stop them crashing into aircraft or people? And how to protect people’s privacy? Jacqueline Foster talks us through her ideas.
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