Monday, 22 September 2014

The new College of Commissioners: How will it be elected?

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 - 16:30

As the Institution representing the citizens, the European Parliament exercises democratic control over the European Commission and plays an important role in its designation. After the election of Jean-Claude Juncker as Commission President, the MEPs will now examine the candidatures of the Commissioners-designate. Parliament’s green light is a must for their appointment.

Proposed by the Member States by common accord with the Commission President, the Commissioners-designate are invited to public hearings by the appropriate parliamentary committee(s). These hearings - although not laid down in the EU Treaties - are a formal process developed under the last two Commissions to allow Parliament to exercise its Treaty-based right to vote on any new Commission College. Commissioners must prove their general competence, personal independence and European commitment, as established in the Treaties. MEPs also assess any relevant information, including financial information.

The Commission President takes the results of the hearings, as well as consultations with Parliament's political groups, into account. He then presents his team and political priorities during a plenary session. After a debate, MEPs will decide whether to support the new College of Commissioners or not.
After election by the European Parliament, the new Commission can be formally appointed and take office. Its mandate is the same length as the legislature: five years. During this period, the Parliament will oversee the Commission's work and discuss its political priorities, as well as its legislative and budgetary proposals.
The timetable for the approval of the new College of Commissioners has been set out as follows:

SEPTEMBER                                       18 September:
Conference of Presidents adopts the calendar and the written questionnaires for the Commissioners-designate. There will be two general questions common to all on competence, portfolio and cooperation with Parliament, and three from the relevant Committee. Where more Committees are involved in hearings, they may also submit two additional written questions.
                                                              25 September:
Committee on Legal Affairs to scrutinise the financial declarations of the Commissioners-designate.

                                                              26 September:
Written answers to questionnaires in original languages to be received by the European Parliament.

                                                      29 September-7 October:
Hearings of Commissioners-designate and committee evaluation meetings according to the following                                                                  timetable.

  OCTOBER                                           9 October:

                               Conference of Presidents meets to evaluate the Hearings.

                                                                22 October:
                                                             Vote in Plenary.

                                                                31 October:
                               End of the mandate of the current European Commission.

NOVEMBER                                          1 November:

                                       The new European Commission takes office.

Fashion need: Elegant dress for a special party

Fashion need: Elegant dress for a special party: Yesterday's night was amazing! I had a lot of fun and the cake was delicious! I couldn't wait to wear my dark green dress and my mot...

Yesterday's night was amazing! I had a lot of fun and the cake was delicious! I couldn't wait to wear my dark green dress and my mother's necklace ! Hope you all had a beautiful Saturday night!


- See more at:

Aujourd'hui, en tant que Vice-Présidente du Groupe PPE en charge des relations euro-méditerranéennes, j'ai rencontré l'Ambassadeur

Mariya Gabriel

Днес се срещнах с Негово Превъзходителство Тахар Шериф, посланик на Тунис в ЕС, в качеството ми на заместник-председател на Групата на ЕНП, отговорна за евро-средиземноморските отношения. По време на разговора ни обърнах внимание на значението за ЕС на това, което се случва на юг от Средиземно море, защото Европа е в безопасност, когато имаме сигурни съседи. В тази връзка обсъдихме въпроса за предстоящите президентски избори в Тунис през ноември. Решаващо значение за развитието на страната ще има политическата стабилност.
Разисквахме задълбочено и въпросите, по които е необходимо съвместно сътрудничество между ЕС и Тунис. Развитието на всички региони на страната, безработицата сред младите хора и създаването на работни места се очертават сред най-важните приоритети, на които трябва да се наблегне.
Тази първа среща с посланика на Тунис обещава конструктивно и ползотворно сътрудничество в областта на евро-средиземноморските отношения.

Aujourd'hui, en tant que Vice-Présidente du Groupe PPE en charge des relations euro-méditerranéennes, j'ai rencontré l'Ambassadeur de la République tunisienne auprès de l'Union européenne, Son Excellence Tahar Cherif.

J'ai rappelé l'importance de ce qui se passe au sud de la Méditerranée pour l'Union européenne : l'Europe est sûre quand nos voisins sont sûrs. À ce propos, nous avons abordé la question des prochaines élections présidentielles qui se tiendront au mois de novembre et qui seront déterminantes : la stabilité politique est nécessaire pour le développement du pays.

Nous avons aussi pu aborder les différentes questions sur lesquelles une coopération est nécessaire et que nous devons donc maintenir à l'agenda. Le développement des régions tunisiennes, le chômage des jeunes et la création d'emplois apparaissent parmi les principales priorités.

Cette première rencontre avec l'Ambassadeur de la Tunisie promet une coopération constructive et fructueuse pour les relations euro-méditerranéennes.

U.N. Representative Urges Iran Involvement in Iraq Situation


U.N. Representative Urges Iran Involvement in Iraq Situation

В интервю за The Wall Street Journal, Николай Младенов, който е бивш български външен министър избран за специален представител на ООН през август 2013 г., каза: регионална подкрепа е от решаващо значение за усилията за спиране настъплението на сунити екстремистка групировка Ислямска държава и да се осигури политическо решение на кризата....

Bill And Hillary Clinton Might Be Grandparents Really, Really Soon

The Huffington Post | By Ashley Alman

Posted: 09/21/2014 5:27 pm EDT Updated: 09/21/2014 5:59 pm EDT

Бившият президент Бил Клинтън е развълнувана  скоро ще стане дядо, и  може да не се наложи да чакаме дълго....."Надявам се, че на първи октомври, ще бъда дядо", заяви Клинтън.